Supporting the ministry of LWC

Living Generous Lives

Give Online

If you would like to give online, please use the button below which links to a secure page, allowing you to give quickly, easily and securely.

Give through the bank

If you would like to give regularly by standing order, you can do so using the following bank details…

Account Name: EFGA Living Waters Chorley
Account No: 03954851
Sort Code: 30-91-87

Give In Person

You can give by cash or cheque at any of our Sunday gatherings. More information will be given during services on how to do this.


If you would like to give to our missions work, please use the following details…

Account Name: EFGA Living Waters Chorley – Missions

Account No: 04470572

Sort Code: 30-91-87

Gift Aid

Can you gift aid your gifts?

The UK Government’s Gift Aid Scheme enables churches to reclaim tax on any monetary donation (tithes and offerings) made by any UK tax payer.

You can complete your gift aid form online here.

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